NeoXSense is a new mini-PTC site that has recently launched and will to the Ongoing Investigations List to the time being. While it is not showing any connection to a past scam site,we would recommend that you test the site fully before investing into it. Here are the pros and cons this site:
1.Forum - This site does have a forum. Forums are great for communication between members and staff. Members can post payment proofs,get support, and stay up to date on changes made to the site. You can find their forum here:
2.Paying - They are paying and payment proofs can be found on the forum and throughout the web.
- Owner : Wahid Shokuri of UK
- Current Whois:
- Site Created : 20-Aug-2011 and Launched : 10 September,2011
- Click Value: $0.001- $0.005
- Daily Ads : 4-6 ads/day
- Minimum Cashout : 0.5(1st),0.75(2nd),1(3rd)(fee: 10% + $0.050)
- Payment Options: PayPal
* Since August 2012,sites not exsist
Neoxsense Payments Proof
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